Package Crypto :: Package PublicKey :: Module pubkey :: Class pubkey
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Class pubkey

Known Subclasses:

Instance Methods [hide private]
To keep key objects platform-independent, the key data is converted to standard Python long integers before being written out. It will then be reconverted as necessary on restoration.
__setstate__(self, d)
On unpickling a key object, the key data is converted to the big number representation being used, whether that is Python long integers, MPZ objects, or whatever.
encrypt(self, plaintext, K)
encrypt(plaintext:string|long, K:string|long) : tuple Encrypt the string or integer plaintext. K is a random parameter required by some algorithms.
decrypt(self, ciphertext)
decrypt(ciphertext:tuple|string|long): string Decrypt 'ciphertext' using this key.
sign(self, M, K)
sign(M : string|long, K:string|long) : tuple Return a tuple containing the signature for the message M. K is a random parameter required by some algorithms.
verify(self, M, signature)
verify(M:string|long, signature:tuple) : bool Verify that the signature is valid for the message M; returns true if the signature checks out.
validate(self, M, signature)
blind(self, M, B)
blind(M : string|long, B : string|long) : string|long Blind message M using blinding factor B.
unblind(self, M, B)
unblind(M : string|long, B : string|long) : string|long Unblind message M using blinding factor B.
can_sign() : bool Return a Boolean value recording whether this algorithm can generate signatures. (This does not imply that this particular key object has the private information required to to generate a signature.)
can_encrypt() : bool Return a Boolean value recording whether this algorithm can encrypt data. (This does not imply that this particular key object has the private information required to to decrypt a message.)
can_blind() : bool Return a Boolean value recording whether this algorithm can blind data. (This does not imply that this particular key object has the private information required to to blind a message.)
size() : int Return the maximum number of bits that can be handled by this key.
has_private() : bool Return a Boolean denoting whether the object contains private components.
publickey(): object Return a new key object containing only the public information.
__eq__(self, other)
__eq__(other): 0, 1 Compare us to other for equality.
__ne__(self, other)
__ne__(other): 0, 1 Compare us to other for inequality.