Package Crypto :: Package Util :: Module asn1 :: Class DerSequence
[hide private]
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Class DerSequence

DerObject --+

Instance Methods [hide private]
__delitem__(self, n)
__getitem__(self, n)
__setitem__(self, key, value)
__setslice__(self, i, j, sequence)
__delslice__(self, i, j)
__getslice__(self, i, j)
append(self, item)
Return the DER encoding for the ASN.1 SEQUENCE containing the non-negative integers and longs added to this object.
decode(self, input, noLeftOvers=0)
This function decodes the given string into a sequence of ASN.1 objects. Yet, we only know about unsigned INTEGERs. Any other type is stored as its rough TLV. In the latter case, the correctectness of the TLV is not checked.

Inherited from DerObject (private): _decodeLen, _lengthOctets

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from DerObject: typeTags

Method Details [hide private]


Overrides: DerObject.__init__


Return the DER encoding for the ASN.1 SEQUENCE containing the non-negative integers and longs added to this object.
Overrides: DerObject.encode

decode(self, input, noLeftOvers=0)

This function decodes the given string into a sequence of ASN.1 objects. Yet, we only know about unsigned INTEGERs. Any other type is stored as its rough TLV. In the latter case, the correctectness of the TLV is not checked.
Overrides: DerObject.decode