[pycrypto] jython and pycrpto installation on windows

Peterson, Stephen Stephen_Peterson at cable.comcast.com
Wed Dec 5 10:00:18 PST 2012

When I try to install pycrpto on windows with jython I get the "chmod" error. When I comment that out in the setup.py file I get the "sh" error. Both of these errors point to this package being only for Linux OS's.

So I used a distro package that was installed on a Python Linux install. I dropped it in my Jython\Lib\site-package directory and imported it. It didn't complain.

But then when I try to run celery with django (jython manage.py celery worker -E --loglevel=debug)  I get the following error pointing back to the Crypto install:
java.lang.ClassFormatError: java.lang.ClassFormatError: Invalid method Code length 101115 in class file Crypto/Util/number$py

So how can I get this to install correctly on Jython, Djangon, and Windows?

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